Link Inspections and Condition Assessments - PM, PdM

Link Inspections and Condition Assessments - PM, PdM

When users create a preventive or predictive maintenance program, they are able to associate an active inspection or condition assessment type with it. This feature allows for automatic inspection or CA creation and is useful for those who want them to be automatically created per asset whenever a PM or PdM work order is made. After linking these items, users can view which PM or PdM an inspection or condition assessment is linked to by viewing that inspection or CA record.

Navigating to the Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Modules

To navigate to the Preventive Maintenance module:
  1. Click "Maintenance" in the blue task bar to the left.
  2. Click "Preventive Maintenance."
To navigate to the Predictive Maintenance module:
  1. Click "Maintenance in the blue task bar to the left.
  2. Click "Predictive Maintenance."

Linking an Inspection or Condition Assessment

Linking an Inspection

To link an inspection to a PM or PdM:
  1. Navigate to the PM or PdM module using the steps outlined above.
  2. Select a parent PM or PdM.
  3. Within that parent, open the child PM or PdM (denoted by a dash and number after the parent PM or PdM's number).
  4. In the Details section of the PM or PdM, select an Inspection Type using the drop-down Inspection Type field.
  5. Click "Save." This Inspection Type will be created when the PM or PdM is generated.

Linking a Condition Assessment

To link a condition assessment to a PM or PdM:
  1. Navigate to the PM or PdM module using the steps outlined above.
  2. Select a parent PM or PdM.
  3. Within that parent, open the child PM or PdM.
  4. In the Details section of the PM or PdM, use the drop-down for active Condition Assessments to pick a Condition Assessment to be created when the PM or PdM is generated.
When an inspection or Condition Assessment is fired, users can view what PM or PdM it is linked to by checking its record. To view these links:
  1. Navigate to the Inspection or Condition Assessment module:
    1. Click "Asset" in the blue task bar to the left.
    2. Click "Inspection" or "Condition Assessment."
  2. Open an inspection or condition assessment.
  3. Scroll to the Work Order zone. In this zone, users can view information about which PMs or PdMs are associated to an inspection type or condition assessment.

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